Ricker said the gun owners "are probably doing their cause more harm than good by raising this issue. It raises an awareness and gives people who are more rational thinkers the opportunity to go to their legislators and make their views known."
That was
my thought, after reading up to the sixth paragraph.
Overall, I'd have to say that just because you have a right to do something...doesn't necessarily mean that you should. There is a time, and a place for everything, and I'm not so sure that this is it. When you're exercising your rights, you might do well to also exercise a little common sense.
Oh...and for the record...I
am, most definately, pro Second Amendment and people like this;
"This is the gun lobby's vision of how America should be. Everybody's packing heat and ready to engage in a shootout at the slightest provocation." Kristen Rand-Violence Policy Center
just piss me off no end.