There is alot of good advice in here. My main advice is to make absolutely sure you have good friends who will take care of you around. It makes it alot better trust me. Plus, when you do drop, don't sit around and wait for it to "kick in". Just relax and do what you normally do and before you know it you'll be smiling from ear to ear and your trip has begun. A pack of gum is a must. Just trust me on this. Again I can't stress enough being around friends and good people who know what E does and how to make you feel the best.
If you really want to get an idea of what it's like, rent or buy the movie Human Traffic. It describes it better than anything I've ever heard it shows the comedowns and such. I never got depressed the next day but most people do. I usually used K with mine but I don't suggest it. Also, like before mentioned..stick to a single stack the first time..and don't do "Molly"(pure mdma) it's a harder makes me throw up and I'm used to the stuff.. so yeah a single stack will do you me. Drink plenty of water when you feel too hot and most of all have fun and BE CAREFUL!! Good luck!