Originally posted by KMA-628
1) If this were a relevant comparison, why does Cuba have a negative immigration rate? The answer is simple. People will risk their lives to leave Cuba/People risk their lives to come to the U.S. Obviously our "rate" isn't bad enough to warrant moving to another country.
2) The most current information regarding infant mortality:
U.S.: 6.63/1000 births
Cuba: 6.41/1000 births
A difference of 0.22 is hardly worth pointing out.
You could also compare the U.S. to the eighteen countries that have an infant mortality rate of 10% or higher which would make our rate, of less than 0.663%, look really good.
1) That has no bearing on this discussion. Why people leave a country for political reasons or human rights has ZERO relevance to a discussion of whether or not their health care system is any good or not.
Attached is a table of infant mortality - as can be seen, the US is doing far worse than nations like Canada, Australia, and dozens of others. 3.44/1000 versus 6.63/1000 is a huge difference.
Now, before you say "Well, the US has a lot of immigrants and that skews our results" well I offer this:
"General Facts about Recent US immigration
The total number of immigrants per year (including illegal and refugees) is somewhat less than it was in the peak years at the start of the 20th century, when the US population was less half as large its current population. The rate of US immigration relative to the population is low rather than high. US immigration as a proportion of population is about a third of what is was in the peak years.
The foreign-born population of the US is 9.5 percent of the total population (in 2000). This can be compared to the 2000's proportions of 22.7 in Australia; 16 percent in Canada; 6.3 in France; 7.3 in Germany; 3.9 percent in Great Britain; and 5.7 in Sweden."
I can tell you, as a Canadian living in Toronto, the majority of our immigrants are now coming from places like Jamaica, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Central America along with China - not places well known for their great health care.