The main problem with watching WNBA and soccer on TV
When I watch sports I want to see the best.
When I watch college sports or even high school sports I get a chance to sometimes see someone who will eventually be "the best."
When I watch the WNBA I see people playing that could get beat by a good high school all-star team.
Same problem with soccer on american TV. I've always thought soccer was really boring to watch. I'll watch the World Cup (great), but watching MLS or the Mexican league on spanish TV is usually a tedious experience.
The other day I finally watched Premier League soccer from England. Holy Shet! It was great. I said "why isn't this on regular tv more often?"
If soccer fans really want Americans to embrace the sport they need to quit exposing Americans to second tier athletes in the MLS and start exposing Americans to the level of soccer that's played in the various Premier leagues in Europe.
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer
Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?