When I was in high school I had the metabolism of a furnace on high. To gain weight I did two things.
1. Ate my famous weight gain quesidilla. Fry half a pack of bacon in a pan- remove bacon, but leave fat in pan. Place one tortilla in fat and shred half a block of cheddar cheese. Put bacon on cheese and another tortilla on top and fry the mother till crispy. You can hear your blood slow to a crawl after eating this.
2. Weigh yourself at the end of the week. If you haven't gained a pound sit down and eat until you've gained a pound. Repeat every week.
3. Try Whole Milk, Ice cream shakes with lots of peanut butter.
ps: cut back by the time you're 25 unless you want a cholesterol count of 300+
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer
Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?