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Old 07-14-2004, 07:56 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
1) We don't pay taxes on lottery winnings. That's right, we get to keep it all.
2) Our junk food consists of such oddities as Smarties (kinda like M&M's, only better), and Coffee Crisp (think of a cup of chocolate coffee, only in bar form). We also buy our milk in 1 litre plastic bags (3 1-litre bags sold in one big bag), which we place in plastic milk bag containers, cut open the plastic bag at the corner with scissors, and put it back into the fridge unsealed. Ew.
3) The Trans-Canada highway (Highway 1) is the longest highway in the world. It starts on one coast, remains at least a double lane highway all the way to the other coast and travels 4860 km.
4) The actual North Magnetic Pole currently resides in Canadian Territory, although the Russians are poised to take it from us any day now.
5) Canada's capital was originally going to be either Kingston, Ontario (too English), or Quebec City, Quebec (too French), before they decided on making Ottawa our capital.

As for the RCMP, think of them as Canada's version of the FBI. The only difference, as was mentioned above, is that the RCMP act as a municipal police force for areas that don't have their own police.

[edit:] Oh yeah, and we have a really big mall in Edmonton called the West Edmonton Mall. How big is it? It's so big, it has its own rollercoaster, aquarium with sub ride, waterslides, and hockey rink, and still has room for stores.

By the by, Edmonton was recently hit by a major storm that broke through the glass ceiling at the mall, and flooded the place. Last I heard, crews were dealing with the problem by extending the sub ride to the rest of the mall.
"A witty saying proves nothing"
- Voltaire

Last edited by Quadraton; 07-15-2004 at 04:51 AM..
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