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Old 07-14-2004, 06:59 PM   #12 (permalink)
viejo gringo
Registered User
Location: Deep South Texas
I was at one--my cousin in Vietnam conflict---not a good
feeling...we were very cclose to the same age....

Of coarse the worse one I have heard of was just a couple
of weeks ago in Mexico---one of their nationals joined our marines
and was killed in Iraq...His wife wanted him buried in his home
town in Mexico. The only problem was the Mexican government said our people could not give the 21 gun salute because they could not have"armed soilders from another country on Mexican soil". So the honor guard took 2 dummy cerimonial rifles.
The federalies actually blocked the funeral procession and wanted to take the rifels...they explaned that they were just dummys but it made no dofference...they called for the Mexican army...the marines held their position and continued with the funeral...the american counsel has asked for a formal apology.

No wonder so many people are trying to get out of there...
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