Joe Arpaio is as corrupt as they come and an embarrassment to Arizona. If all you see is "America's Toughest Sherriff" and all the hooplah that comes with that -then you aren't really paying attention.
First there are the brain dead "investigations" conducted by Arpaio. This is just a small example. Many, many more exist -as there has been over ten years of this crap.
Secondly, his incarceration methodology leaves something to be desired as people awaiting trial are sometimes murdered because his tent city does not offer security for the prisoners.
Lovely little appeal here:
Mothers against Arpaio is a group formed by mothers and women whose loved ones and friends have been abused or neglected by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his employees who, like it or not, must work within the barbaric example he sets.
Sheriff Arpaio proclaims the jails to be a place of punishment and humiliation, even for inmates awaiting trial and not yet convicted of a crime. The Sheriff believes that what happens to them, they deserve; even if it is death. . Our loved ones and friends have been injured, beaten into comas or killed while in jail. We organized to protest the sheriff's excuses, lies and lack of respect for human life and dignity.
We have a mission to inform people of the cruelty and neglect jail inmates have suffered at the hands of Sheriff Arpaio. We intend to provide examples of the many violations, and share the truth on the inmates who paid for their petty crimes with their lives.
We'll explore the story of Brian Crenshaw, a blind inmate beaten into a coma by three guards at Tent City for not showing his ID badge in the lunch line. . He was placed back in his cell to die. His injuries included broken toes, a broken neck, and a perforated intestine. Later, the cause of death offered by Sheriff Arpaio was "the man fell off a bunk". There are many cases of brutality in the jails. We are not pushing for "country club" jails, but hope by our efforts to influence change at the top so that inmates are treated at least as human beings.
Last but not least there is a little matter of some financial misdeeds -which is yet to be fully disclosed. (The reason that it isn't fully disclosed is because Arpaio chases out the county auditors when they come to his office).
Finally, not everyone is so gung ho about Arpaio acting like the newest little Hitler in town. McCain is promoting a different Republican as sherriff.