I'm brainstorming ideas on how to make this content:
Appear on my client's website:
I've seen nested pages (page within a page) but I can't find an example to see if it requires frames (don't want that).
Millie (my client) pays a monthly fee to be part of the listing service (see first link) and those are *her* houses. She'd prefer for the browsing page (first link, above) to appear on her own website (homesinrichmond.net). The developer that created the first site is long gone and took the homesinrichmond.com server FTP/login with him -- I don't have the time to attack the host any further. The broker (owner of the first site) is happy with the status quo anyway and isn't too keen on letting me play with their present site code (as in, logging into their FTP and downloading the query script -- which I can't really do anyway).
So, I'm left trying to figure out if I can parse these HTML pages or find a way to nest the content without framing it.
Any ideas?