Trust is not something that's given, it's earned. Show her you can be trusted.
Don't push her to talk about things if she's not ready to, she will come to you when she's ready.
Some people just find it very difficult to talk about what's on their mind, whether it be fear of being judged, of shocking you, of anything -- real or imagined. Just asking someone to tell you something isn't enough.
Trust and communication go hand in hand. Just because you find it easy to talk about what's on your mind, doesn't mean everyone else does. But you know that.
Next time you think something's bothering her... consider your actions...
If she says nothing's wrong, or that she doesn't want to talk about it -- Respect that and just say whenever she is ready you are available to listen, that you love her and don't want to see her hurting. THEN DROP IT.
She'll talk when she's ready -- I hate being pressured to talk - makes me clam up more....
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.