Oh man and here I am thinking I am the only one that does this. I have permanent bite marks on my wrist from all the times I lost my temper. I resorted to biting my wrists because I was getting really bad headaches from punching myself in the head and I was starting to have problems in my knee from all the times I would punch myslef in the knee/thigh region. Last night I put a Xbox controller through my 53" TV and this morning I smashed my remote to my receiver. It's this fucking Xbox game I have been playing so I took it out and made my girlfriend hold onto it for me so I wouldn't play it.
Haha also a couple years back I went to the mall with my friends and picked up Gameday 98 for the Playstation. We sat down to play and we didnt even get half way through the game before I got up from my seat, opened the console, and proceeded to crack the CD in half. My friends all just sat there with this look of disbelief on their faces. It's fucking sad, really. I need help.