I hate to be a kill joy, but learn moderation very quickly.
There's a very overused expression that was told to me during freshman orientation. Look to the right of you, look tot he left of you. One of yo will not be there at the end of the year. You want to make that that person isn't you.
You are in college to get an education so that it helps out your future. Drinking till all hours of the night is secondary.
Pick your friends very carefully.
Your first years classes will have very little to do with your major, but that doesn't make them less important.
If it's your first time away from home, set up a budget and stick to it, mom and dad are not going to be real pleased to be sending you money every few weeks (if they can that is) Budgeting is a skill that will take you thru the rest of your life.
You will get tons of credit card offers. Use one, if you feel the desire, throw out the rest. Credit is not free money. You ahve to pay that back, with a huge amount of interest. See above advice about budgeting.
College is a fun experience, enjoy it. (everything in moderation)
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.