FYI - While some recruiters are dishonest, most are not. After all, their integrity and demeanor are huge advertisements for the service. Also, they get their shit creamed by supervisors if they get caught encouraging recruits to lie. After all, in the end, the military wants recruits who are actually qualified, not those who can sing a song.
NoSoup, it sounds like this recruiter was trying to make his mission for the month (quota). Otherwise, if they really wanted your friend, they'd have encouraged him to lose the weight the right way, and enlist in a later month. Hell, many recruiters will offer to let you work out with them once a week or more, in hopes of HELPING you meet the standards! I hope your friend realizes that this guy is just one bad apple and not indicative of military people or values in general...
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam