Love after infidelity?
Hey everyone, I'm new to this place. I guess I just need an outlet for some answers, or just some help. It's like this: I've been seeing this girl for 2 years. It's an on/off long distance thing while she's at school, but it's only about an hour away. ABout 8 months ago she cheated on me and since I'm having horrible trust issues...mainly because she lied about so much and I feel like she still is. We took a break for a couple of months because she wanted some space and needed to sort things out. We still talked everyday and basically never stopped acting like a couple, only she was seeing the other guy pretty like she had 2 boyfriends. Now she wants to get back together...and I do too, problem is I'm having a hard time beleiving the other guy is out of the way. She's going back to school in the fall and he'll be there, I won't be. I don't know what to do. If I didn't love this girl I wouldn't be here, I've been cheated on before and it hurt, but I broke things off. I want to give her a second chance but how do I know she's being/will be faithful when she goes to school? We have a week vacation planned in August and I'm afraid we'll just argue the whole time. What should I do?