I think the problem is that the law gives the appearance of sactioning a religion which holds the day of rest as Sunday, i.e., Christianity. Whether companies could "get around that" is not the issue -- the law would be better stated as saying that all employees could have one day off a week if they could show it to be of religious significance in the religion they pursued. The problem would then be you could say that Wednesday was your sabbath, form a church, and fight the company if you so chose. No, I think the law is not a good one, and it is best that it was shut down.
The only recourse you could have had as a 7th is to sue the company for religious persecution, which would have not been worth it -- so you got a new job. No offense, but a job that has you working Friday or Saturday nights is a crapass hourly job anyway -- having worked a few of those jobs in my life, I know.
Also, spelling tip -- hypocrisy, from the Greek hypokrisis, acting a part or feigning.
it's quiet in here