How does what I typed constitute me saying that atheists were/are immoral, anti-social, or devoid of any kind of morality? It doesn't. Don't imply things that are not there. If god doesnt' exist who are you to tell me that killing someone is immoral? Who are you to tell me that me going out and having sex with whoever I want is immoral?
You guys are speaking from the idea that God/religion are a figment of someone's imagination.
The only reason there is morality is because we have determined what is right and what is wrong. And what do we base that on? The animal kingdom? I think not. Animals kill, mate, and fight over things that aren't theirs. They are not right and they are not wrong. They are not moral or immoral. That's just an animals instinct.
At some point and time in the past some guy had to say that god either revealed himself to that person or god really did reveal himself to that person.
In any case we are assuming that if there was no god that we would be deemed to eventually think about religion. But why? We would have no concept of religion why would that even come into our thought process. We would go back to cave man age when the law of the land was who had the bigger clan with the best weapons.
...because there are no facts, there is no truth, just data to be manipulated. I can get you any results you like, what's it worth to you.....