Honestly? Yes but only if we have the support of a part of the military itself.
It's true that guns were restricted in dictator countries such as Nazi Germany and Sovit Russia and other nations.
But at the same time, take a look at how far technology has come since then.
Movements are tracked with satellites. You can't hide in buildings with modern surveillance and thermal imaging as just one example.
Guns versus modern armor? Planes? A flight of B-52s could level cities if they wanted to with carpet bombing. Don't even get started on nukes.
Again which is why I would say it is hard to overthrow a government in modern times against a modern army (the best, no-less) unless the people in the military themselves were on the revolutionaries' side.
If you are simply fighting police agencies (local police, FBI, ATF, etc.) it's far more effective than trying to take on the 1st division or the airborne.