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Old 07-13-2004, 10:09 AM   #43 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
pinkie's Avatar
Location: Above the stars
Originally posted by ShaniFaye
fortunately since Dave and I are heavy into dressing for renn faire's and such festivals, we are never without a halloween costume...we just wear whatever new one we had made that year.
Two of our best Friend’s are the same way.

Originally posted by DelayedReaction
I'm thinking Death this year. I'm the right height for it, and it lets me purchase a scythe!
Death is always a good one.

Originally posted by ninety09
You're already thinking about Halloween?
Hrmmm, usually, I choose my costume 1 or 2 weeks before Halloween..
I think about what I’m going to be the day after Halloween sometimes.

Originally posted by k1ng
This girl I used to work with went as a catholic school girl and her boyfriend went as a priest. I like that idea a lot, but I don't usually dress up for halloween...or maybe dress up like my avatar..
I think you should be your avatar. I worked in a costume store a few years ago, and the Catholic SG, and priest thing is done a lot, your avatar is more original, and it makes it funnier, cuter, and such. Two years in a row I was Anime characters.

Originally posted by Memnoch
Maybe I'll go as Dr. Phil. He's scary, right?
(cool name) Hahaha… Dr. Phil is way scary.

Originally posted by uncle phil
i usually back in as a parker house roll...
What’s that?

Originally posted by DEI37
Sounds good to me, although, may we put in a request for pics of that hot outfit?

I went as the Grim Reaper last year...didn't turn out so well, although it was fun. The women thought I was a priest, and offered to give me confessions...yeah, being confessed to while having your cock sucked...nothing better!
Nice… And yes, there will be pics. You bet your sweet ass there will be.

Originally posted by la petite moi
I'll be an unhappy 18-year-old being forced to hand out crappy candy to little kids who can't even say 'trick or treat' anymore.
Aww….. Makes me want to come over and visit you on Halloween. Sneak you out for a while. Dress up anyway! The kids love it, and you’ll have fun.

Come back and tell me what you’ll be! PS – Candy is yummy.

Originally posted by RainbowBright

I've got this really awfull "formal" dress I got out of my friends great aunt's closet. (she's moved into assisted living and he's living in her house with the job of cleaning it out - lots of good finds for me!) Also a tiara from last year (Dead prom queen) Wonder what I can do with these ingredients?
Depends on what the dress looks like. (I used to get paid to do this) Describe the dress to me. I’ll have several ideas though, I promise.

Originally posted by Rubyee
Go as an eggplant!
The year my daughter was born, we dressed her as a grape.

Originally posted by bernadette
[B]unless we get invited to a party, i'll probably just dress up my dogs & take them reverse trick-or-treating to the neighbors who have dogs & give their dogs bags of doggie treats...
Sounds fun to me.

...but i've gone as psuedo stevie nicks a few times.
this is the last time, minimal effort. didn't wear the sexy dress that time, just a black long sleeve tee shirt & black jeans & of course the cape, the shawl, the wig & the not quite a proper top hat.
I love the pics!

Originally posted by Temporary_User
Last year I was thinking Whitey Tighty man would be a good idea.
Friends told me it wouldnt, so I went as a carribean women. Then I get to the bar and there is whitey tightey girl dancing away!
You know what I'm doing this year!

That or a guy from Girls Gone Wild is a good one I thought.
If you are the guy from Girls Gone Wild you’ll have girls lifting their shirts for you all night long. Your decision is made, now go.

Originally posted by Gustoferson
Should be fun, that and the fact I turn 21 on that day as well this year.
Be careful, sounds great.

Originally posted by KellyC
I'm thinkin' maybe I'll go as a horny college student with no's myself and pretty much all other college students out there. I be representin'!
Not very creative…

Originally posted by tecoyah
Dread Pirate Roberts
Good one!!!
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