Originally posted by KMA-628
Personal responsibilty has to come into play at some point.
I would have no real problem with this assessment if we were discussing maybe a few thousand dollars as punishment for not getting health care. but the reality is that we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and people's lives. such a punishment would surely outweigh the crime of feeling invincible at 20 years old.
Originally posted by KMA-628
From your source:
"Simplified Adminstration, less complex, more efficient, user-friendly, not bureaucracy"--none of these terms are synonymous with "government".
Universal Healthcare that is controlled by the government and funded by taxpayers would be nothing like this "wish".
Name one part of the gov't where these terms can be used. It is a walking paradox. Nothing gets better once the gov't gets involved and takes charge.
this sort of assessment borders on cliche. some things *DO* get better when the state controls them, particularly things in which valuables less tangible than money and goods are at stake (ie lives). corporations are famous for being led by greed often to the detriment of their customers and the world as a whole (enron anyone?). when profit is the most important thing other factors are neglected, this is why we have such a deluge of corporate scandals as of late. The government isn't perfect, corporations are not perfect but they each serve their own purpose incredibly well, if you want to make money go with a corporation every time, if you want things like quality of life and care to be more important than profit then the government is often a better choice.