I am definitely another vote for live together first. I have been in 2 serious relationships that involved living together. The first went almost 4 years (living together for 2), the second went almost 2 years (living together for 1).
Thank god for living together first. Without that I may have done something very very wrong. You really get a better sense of what your married life would be like when you live with someone. Things change, you see all of a person. You share the same space and you share responsibilities. I think it is an essential step before marrying someone. My basic progression will always be dating -> serious relationship -> living together -> marriage. I don't have a set time frame on how long each of those steps will last, but I definitely have to take each of those steps.
If you really feel that strongly about her, then try living with her for at least 6 months and see how things are going before deciding if you want to make a life long commitment with her.
"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."
Lionel Hutz