What is all that without love?
I can feel happiness all around me, enveloping me...
but somehow the darkness still reigns inside me.
A person can be unhappy with what they have... even if by many standards what they have is pretty good. Their job may suck, they may be tight on money.
A person can then be handed a glorious treasure- a great new job that pays more than double of any they've had before... the kind of job they'd wanted for some time. With it came a renewed sense of pride, pride that had been lost all too long ago- and was never really regained.
There is so much happiness in my life now...
but what is all that without love?
To me?........... Not a thing, friends... not a thing.
The girl I cannot erase from my brain... cannot remove from my heart... will never be mine again. I have known this for some time, and have come to accept it... but it doesn't mean I don't still feel that hurt...
or that I can see the pain ever going away... or even subsiding...