"the most disturbing incident involved a college kid who had the unfortunate luck of getting bit by a rattle snake while 2 hours from a hospital -- he needed 4 doses of anti-venom and a good week in the hospital and while his college did provide nominal health insurance it only applied when the accident took place within the state he lived in (oregon), since he was in california they would not pay ANY of his $120,000 hospital bill. my mother sat down with his family and tried to figure out a way to spread the costs out of the credit cards of various family members so that he wouldn't have to bare the entire debt on his own. to say that this 18 year old kid deserves to deal with such stress is heartless, to imply that he should not have been given any health care at all (and thus left to die) barbarian."
......whew, he'd of been alot more stressed had he been say...6 hours from the hospital. Tell him to count his blessings. You're family is super nice....spreading out a $120,000 ihospital bill to help some "college kid who doesn't deserve the stress."
The story by itself just isn't believable on many many levels, but even if it was true, resorting to referencing some ridiculously uncommon situation to justifiy some "universal" law, well...fuck that.