I purchased this last week and have been playing it quite a bit. Servers can have up to 150 players, mostly because of the fact that all [edit to say #] 150 person servers are run by Novalogic's NovaWorld service.
The gameplay action is exciting...when you get to it. It can be difficult to get to a battle area sometimes if you aren't working with a good team. The maps can be HUGE, one review said up to 9 KM in length, 50 KM square.
A 150 person match last weekend went on for over 7 hours on one server that didn't have a timer running.
The graphics are pretty nice, they are similar to Black Hawk Down.
All in all it's a different spin on EA's BF42 BFV gameplay style.
Helo's are simple to fly, mounted weapons don't overheat or have ammo limits.
As usual I play under JimmyJam - NYC, my shooter handle.
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If you can read this in English, thank a veteran.
Last edited by portwineboy; 07-12-2004 at 06:03 PM..