O.K. In my experience women's sexual response varies immensely. I've had sex with women who couldn't cum at all, even after being gone down on for an extended time and others who came once and then couldn't continue, others who could come a few times, and still others who came so many times that we both lost count. Sex was good with all of them. True, some of the best sex I've had is with the latter category, but I certainly wouldn't poo-poo the rest of it. In fact, I most enjoyed the sex that I had with a 'one big O' girl, because I had a great connection with her.
I think (because I don't have a very big sample) that men's sexual response doesn't vary as much. Some, but not as widely. I could be totally wrong about this. O.K. bragging time. 11 times in 24 hours. That's sex. Masturbation, I haven't kept count, but probably something similar, maybe a bit more.
In a way I don't even like this question. It seems to have the potential to make someone feel inadequate. If you're having a great time, then ENJOY IT DAMNIT!!! Don't worry about whether other people are better at sex, or having more fun, just enjoy what you've got.