1. Dune - Frank Herbert. I've read this over 20 times and I keep finding different things in it.
2. Snow Crash - A Pizza delivery man for the Mob, named Hiro Protgonist? I was a Deliverator hen my buddy Neal turned me on to this book. Anyone who can mix samurai and Aleut and Babylonian Myth and the viral nature of language in one book is OK in my book.
3. Watership Down - I have read this so often that I have worn out three paperback copies. (Finally bought a hardback). The cartoon is one of the first movies I can remember seeing in the theatre. I always cry when I finish.
4. Lord of Light - "His followers called him Mahatsamatman and claimed he was a god. He prefered to drop the maha- and the -atman and call himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god. Then again, he never claimed not to be. Circumstances being what they were, neither admission could be of any benefit to him. Therefore there was a mystery about him..." And that is all I have to say about that.
I have to run. I'll edit in comments on the rest later (I hope.)
5. Small Gods
6. Red Storm Rising
7. A Game of Thrones
8. Ender's Game
9. The Jungle Book
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.