Originally posted by wonderwench:
The U.S. did it because Saddam's regime was a reasonable threat to our national security.
France has an additional agenda item: It is a former world power in its twilight years. The only vestige of power it retains is the permanent seat on the UNSC. It has a strong desire to undermine the U.S. as the dominant world power.
One should be wary of friends who are consumed with envy.
As the thread got closed before I could ask for more clarification on this position, here is are the words of one poster. I realize we may be slightly out of context here but this response and prior comment suggests that the MAIN IF NOT ONLY reason France opposed war with Iraq was because some French business would gain from the status quo prior to the war (And not because France may have been opposed to war in general, felt that intrusion by the west would hurt more than help, or felt that the decision was one that should be made by the UN and not individual nations) , along with some petty desire to hurt the US, and that the ONLY IF NOT MAIN reason the US went to war was because Saddam was a direct threat to the US (and not because US companies like Haliburton stood to gain tremendously from US takeover, or for reasons of revenge, or oil, or anything else).
The statement seems to ascribe a greater natural morality to the United States - as if you are more evolved or moral than the rest of us. Do people actually believe this to be true?