Originally posted by maleficent
How is this really teaching?
1. Mom paid for the game.
2. Junior drinks the beer/champagne/breaks bugel
3. Junior should be held responsible for the damage he's inflicted, a responsible parent would make him work off the money owed. (hell, every window I ever broke playing baseball in the backyard, I had to work off to pay for)
By selling something that wasn't the kids to begin with, to work off the debt the kid incurred, what has this kid been taught?
I agree with this too. If it is a true story the mother is a horrible parent.
First of all selling the childs "prized posession" doesn't really have anything to do with the damage he caused.
Frankly, the kid may not even UNDERSTAND what he did and he will be left hurt by loosing his PS without an explanation for it. The kid could simply retaliate at his parents for punishing him in a way he doesnt really understand.
Making him work off the debt is a much better idea.
Plus just remeber that the child caused all this damage when UNSUPERVISED (and with a friend for that matter). He is only 13 years old... had the parents been doing their damn job in the first place there wouldnt even be an issue.