Oh I've had the butt thingy countless times. I can't remember when I haven't had it. I've been to 3 different clinics and had 4 different Drs for the yearly female physicals. I always just got to a general practitioner - maybe their training for that specific field is a little different. Dunno.
First time I had a visit the only Dr at the clinic who was accepting new patients for this kind of thing was a Dr I'd known since I was a toddler and whom I'd babysitted for. I had no choice. I was amazed. He was totally calm, professional, and his conversation (whatever it was about) put me at ease. I couldn't believe I'd just had a man whom I'd known for years grope me in a such a way and not feel abnormally uncomfortable. He had been a Dr for many years though and so apparently knew how to put people at ease.
My clinic uses the plastic speculums. I'd take the metal ones over the plastic ANY day. The plastic, for some reason, feel scratchy to me. The metal are much smoother albeit cold. The cold sortof distracts me from the "swabbing" though so I don't mind it quite so much. I always cramp up when they swab. I'm so sensitive and get the cramps so easily.
I'd say the worst part is the swabbing/scraping.
Course after having a baby (c-section yes but they check you like what - every half hour it seems) and after having 2 colposcopies the normal PAP test seems like a cakewalk. Last colposcopy I had I took 4 Ibuprophen and 1 large codine (I think 500mg can't remember) and it still didn't cut the pain and cramping. She got in there, started snipping and scraping, I started cramping(could actually feel my abdomen under my hand harden) and she just kept messing. It felt like forever. I had cramps for the next 3 days. Crap!
Oh wow. Sorry I didn't realize how long that was.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.