This is a good list and I certainly appreciate that you took the time to type it out.
Originally posted by Kadath
(This is an easy one) Are you more pro-life or pro-choice? DO you think stem cell research should be pursued?
Besides the fact that stem cell research is only tangentially related on the opposition side of the issue, I would point out that stem cell research itself is not what's controversial. The controversial part is the procedure used to obtain the stem cells
[CNN LINK]. The most common way to do it involves "the embryo [being] destroyed when the cells are extracted" (CNN). However, scientists currently have the ability to do this kind of research on cord blood, which doesn't pose any apparent problem to pro-lifers
[cord blood info LINK]. I only point this out because I think it's unproductive to forget details like these; when legislation gets passed, it's not uncommon for useful, non-harmful techniques like using cord blood to get swept into the wide reach of a ban.