The effects of wealth creation are ultimately available to all. There is no necessary detriment to one's countrymen by the examples given. Of course, for example, when wagon wheels were replaced with wheels powered by internal combustion, there were dislocations in local economies and workers suffered - in the short term. However, the ultimate effects of enlightened wealth creation benefit everyone. That is the historical record and that is the record of capitalism.
It's completely understandable why many citizens incessantly ask for more government programs. It's also completely understandable why those with a desire to be helpful in the ways they believe to be beneficial to the citizenry hold the beliefs they do. None of this is black and white. We're somewhere on a sliding scale between capitalism and socialism
It's pointless to argue pure systems, as they don't exist. We already have more socialist programs in the United States than is commonly noted. They will undoubtedly increase to some degree because they satisfy the political ends of those who promote them. They are ultimately paid for by capitalism. Why bite the hand that feeds you? .
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