Originally posted by wonderwench
That two hundred year old piece of parchment codified at set of eternal values which have done more to protect real human lives than any other philosophy in the history of humankind.
Okay, let's pretend our dog-eat-dog society is somehow more dignified than that of wild animals. The "eternal values" of gross materialism have staved off political tyranny, famine, and all the rest only to create more spectacular ways for people to die. Enjoy the picture show. I'm going to go get a bucket of popcorn.
From what I'm hearing about Canada, it sounds like I could actually get paid what my skills and experience are worth there, instead of whatever some tight-fisted, adding-machine-wielding fat ass in a suit is willing to string me along with. Ironically, I would probably be able to afford my own health care on that kind of pay.