Originally posted by roachboy
problem: most defenses of the "individual" and his or her property/cash situation are also abstract.
they fall back onto constitutional defininitions of the individual, also abstract.
these definitions come into direct conflict with the realities produced by capitalism--i agree--but these contradictions bely the nice words used by the framers to define individuals as "all created equal"---which clearly, under capitalism, they are not.
You do not understand the history behind nor the intent of "created equal". The Framers intended this phrase to be under God and before the law - no more. Each person's life is his own to do with as he sees fit.
To address property rights - they also viewed property as being inherent to individuality. One's productivity and the fruits thereof are his to do with as he sees fit - including passing them down to his children. To view otherwise is to insist that one's actions belong to others.