Originally posted by roachboy
but these contradictions bely the nice words used by the framers to define individuals as "all created equal"---which clearly, under capitalism, they are not.
Key word: "created", clearly, we are.
Create: To cause to exist; bring into being.
That means we all start off with the same rights, but where we end up is our own responsibility. i.e. by treating everyone "equal" we all have the same "opportunity" to start off with. Our framers never intended that we all stay limited by equality, i.e. I can not do better in life than someone else.
The beauty of capitalism is it allows you to choose your own course. It in no way guarantees the outcome, however.
Nowhere under definitions of capitalism does it say that we remain "equal". People have to make their own paths in life, that is why capitalism and a free-market society work well for us. If you want to do better, you can. If you want to do worse, you can do that to. If you want to just sit back and complain about everything, you can do that to.
CAPITALISM: A social system based on the
recognition of individual rights, including property rights, and in which
al property is privately owned.
I don't see anything in there about "created equal". I see individual rights and private ownership. I have no desire to give up either of these two rights. Basically free will. We are all given the tools, it is just a matter of what we do with the tools