Originally posted by The_wall
Actually the drug is responsible for the thinking.
I was looking through this thread again and I was struck by this quote. Despite the inconclusive data that will always be brought forth in discussions on matters of individual experience (much like faith conversation), this one sentence truly gets to the heart of why I don't like drugs.
Living a consistent, self-directed, rational, and responsible life is important to me. To defer responsibility to a drug to help you do your thinking for you strikes me as being the antithesis of everything that I stand for as a cogent, self-aware individual.
I have heard all kinds of stories of amazing "success stories" with drugs, and my dad ran a teen rehab center - I've seen both sides. In the end, I'm never impressed much with either because of this issue. Those who become enlightened often give commentary that is so myopic and vague about self-discovery using religious metaphors and terminology that I get nothing out of it. And those who end up at the other end of the spectrum are tragedies. Everyone else in the middle of these two extremes give me even less to work with.
I can't imagine what I am missing that would be of any importance to me, others in my life, or society by not taking drugs. I am productive, inquisitive and curious, always searching and learning, in a great relationship, and totally responsible for myself. I wouldn't have it any other way.