Hello. My name is Brandon, and I'm an Autechre-holic. I have never adopted a group as fast as I have Autechre. I've bought like 8 or 9 of their albums in about a month and a half. I picked up Peel Session 1, ep7, and Incunabula at Tower a few days ago. Again, WOW. Rob and Sean never cease to amaze me. ep7 is a 1999 release, so we're talking space age, pops, fizzes, blips, blaps, snaps, and more whizbangs. It just works. I really like this (no surprise there...) album. Incunabula took my feelings on Amber exploited them, and turned them on me. Its brilliant work. Although I absolutely love it, I would dare to say that I enjoy the unclassifiable, doens't even resemble music sound of Autechre, than the more rhythmic IDM sound of Autechre.
Well behaved women rarely make history.