Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
If Cheney drops out, do not be surprised to see the Republican party throw Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania on the ticket with Bush. Not only is he a senator from a very important swing state for Bush, he is very high ranking in the GOP, and he extremely popular amongst the conservative/right base not to mention he is an actual catholic where as Kerry is not.
The left of America would definitly not be happy to see this happen because Santorum is very popular, very prolife/anti gay marriage, and all around very conservative.
Actually, the addition of a hard core right winger would be EXACTLY what the democrats would LOVE to see. The last thing the democrats would want to see is a centrist republican. Bush is already perceived by the center (swing voters) as being just to the left of Atila (spelling) the Hun. The addition of a hard core right winger would not gain Bush one single vote since people that are hard core right wingers will vote for Bush regardless. What Bush needs to do is to appeal to the centrist republicans, the so called "red tories" (well, that's what they call them here in Canada.)
Second off, isn't Santorum the street slang name for that frothy mixture of anal lube, feces, and sperm that come out of one's butt after anal sex??? Seriously, I have heard the term used in this respect before and I find it quite comical that there's actually a guy named Santorum. It's like having a last name butt monkey or something like that.