I'm not a Bush supporter (I would've voted for him had I been 18 4 years ago, but I'm not voting for him this year), but I can't help but be irked by some of kutulu's comments...
Originally posted by kutulu
If you're a rich person you're getting more money back. The cuts didn't help out the little people at all. He also increased spending and ended up with the biggest deficit ever.
I don't recall whether or not the tax cut was a universal percentage drop or what, but I never could understand this idea of "the little people" being more important than the rich (or vice versa). The rich pay more taxes, so of course they would be getting more money back. I fail to understand why this is a bad thing.
No arguments with the deficit fact.
Most like a keystone cops investiagtion. Iraq was not threat and only a waste of 100B dollars. How big is that deficit?
This is a valid opinion, but I disagree. Bush acted based on what he felt was strong intelligence at the time, and I do not fault him for that. He believed Iraq was a threat at the time, and acted on it. More importantly, I do not feel that the money was a waste. The people of Iraq are better off now than they were under Hussein, and (as cliche as it sounds) you can't put a price on freedom.
He made it to Yale on a legacy status which is essentially a affirmitave action program for overproviledged rich people. His accomplishments pre-college would have never got him into Yale on his own. How fitting that he'd deny that opportunity to those who are struggling.
Yale is a private institution, and free to do as they wish. There are a lot of people out there who are struggling, and not all of them are minorities. Why should a minority be placed ahead of a white person who has better qualifications? If we are all truly equal, then we should all be given the same opportunity. Artificial assistance provided in the name of "racial equality" or "diversity" does not reflect this value.
There is a difference between having strong beliefs and thinking you should impose those beliefs on the rest of the nation. Porn police?
He repects the military so much he cut veteran benefits.
You make a good argument here, but why was the cut made? What were his other options? Has spending, as a whole, increased or decreased for the military?