You gotta love statitistics!
How on the Goddess' Green Earth is comparing Monaco relevant to the U.S.?
The U.S. has immigration and a large mixture of cultures with various lifestyle habits. The only way that this information could be at all meaningful is if it were accompanied by the rates of mortality due to various causes. To assume that it is due to the poor having no access to health care (which is false, btw), takes an enormous leap of faith.
The U.S. doesn't even make it on to the list of the top 100 countries for the share of population living below the poverty line.
I could make a strong argument that the "crimes prosecuted per capita" stat has a strong influence on life expectancy.
Consider the affect on the crime rate of the failed War On Drugs. Then factor in how the drug trade involves violent gangs - and the mortality rate of gang members and violent felons. I wonder what the U.S. life-expectancy would be if such deaths were adjusted out?
Oakland is a good microcosm for this theory. The murder rate in Oakland is quite high - we receive much negative press about it. Virtually all of the murders, however, are limited to drug related gangs. The general population is not affected.