Originally posted by cosmoknight
Nice to have someone who has belief in God and is not a mere bench warmer when it comes to issues regarding religion vs politics.
Mostly I can say its his ability to put what he thinks is right for our nation above popularity, polls or other nations opinions. Thats vision and leadership.
just two comments.
1) i don't understand your bench warmer comment... are you saying you want religion in politics? if so, what your saying is that you like how he is eroding one of the principles this country was founded on, that being seperation of church and state. correct me if i'm reading into this wrong.
2)i agree he has vision. is it what's right for this country? i don't think so. but that's my opinion. but i don't think it's very arguable that he's a horrible leader. he's divided the country more so than any other president in my lifetime (only 25 years). that's not leadership. leadership is having a vision and getting everyone to go with you. what he's doing is pushing his vision, not leading. there's a big difference.
/my $.02