i am pro-life but i would never vote for bush because he is generally an incompetent leader.
abortion is not going to be re-criminalized. republicans have been promising for decades to do something about abortion. it's funny that no one ever calls them on it. the issue has shifted to partial birth abortion, a practice that occurs so infrequently its hardly worth arguing. abortion is going to remain legal, although the cutoff date may vary.
furthermore, killing iraqis under flimsy pretenses is no better than killing the unborn. people who support abortion should have to look at the gruesome pictures associated with the practice, just as war supporters should take an honest look at the full scope of our actions. thousands of deaths, alienating allies, huge deficit, divided country, no end in sight. without a doubt there were better ways to do this.
bush may be a religious man. does this make him a good leader? no. the pope is perhaps even more so a religious man. his messages of peace were ignored by the president.
like republicans, i prefer less gov't. however, bush fails again. he has drastically increased spending and bureaucracy.
but do what you want.