Post Secondary Education : Business programs.
Hello. I am looking for any advice here I can get. I want to work in the transportation design feild, I have the artistic talent and drive to get myself a bachelors of science of industrial design and plan to do so but being such a competitive industry it has been recomended I get some form of post secondary business education to set me apart from other students after graduation.
I think getting some form of post secondary business degree is a great idea, regardless of what I do later in life. What I want to know though is how usefull your business education was? What sort of certification did you recive after graduation? Did it influence employers decisions? Did you find it a worthwhile way to invest your time?
Currently I am looking at doing a two year program at the community college to get a Diploma in Buisness Administration with the option to transfer my credits to univercity afterwards and complete another two years to receive a Bachelors in Buissness Administration. I like the idea of doing a two year program so that if I decide I want to move on and try to get my Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design I won't be tied down to four years of univercity. I just wonder how benificial it will be to receive a Diploma instead of continuing to get a Bachelors degree. I look forward to hearing any advice you can bestow on me.