Roadtrip to Vancouver
On August 18th I'll be road-tripping with a friend to Vancouver. As of now the plan sounds somewhat like this... I'll be driving from Colorado, and the drivetime is looking at well over 20 hours...
Plan to arrive in Seattle, probably get a hotel that night, and check out the Seattle night-life. Wake up halfway hungover, and head up to Vancouver for a tour of VFS, probably check out the Vancouver night life, and get a hotel there, then the next day go to Whistler/Blackcomb for some mountain biking.
These are all tentative plans at the moment, but will need to be solidified soon. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice. Places to check out, things to do, anything. I'll be leaving early on the 22nd to get back in time for my first day of class.
I already read up on border crossing and needing birth cert or passport (good thing had not even thought about that), are there any other details that I should be worried about that I might not have thought about that would be detrimental to the enjoyment of the trip?