Thank you all for your replies.
Explain more on what your define as not knowing about computers..
Well, the majority of what goes on in this forum seems to be over my head. Same with Tilted Programming.
I built my machine from components, and it was no problem, though if something went wrong in such a process, I wouldn't be 100% on what to do, I could probably bluff my way through a lot of it though.
As for what I want to do in the future: well I honestly have no idea. I plan to do some more research on what exactly I do with such a degree, and what areas I think I would be good at, etc. But I don't know what I will be doing after this degree. I have considered further education, but again, no real idea what.
I do enjoy experimenting on the computer, but I have too much important stuff on it to risk damaging, not all of it mine. Also I don't want to have to go through the expense/embarassment of having to get someone to fix it, if it all goes horribly wrong!
I will probably buy/build a computer over the next few months, just to have a piece of junk to mess with without worrying. I will probably install linux on it, so I can learn how to use it, somehting I have been meaning to do for ages!
I used to do websites a few years ago (for enjoyment not for money), and could do a bit of javascript, and was 'fluent' in Macromedia Flash (though not very talented as an artist!).
I would like to learn more about the various web technologies other than just making static HTML pages, such as ASP, PHP, MySQL. But my problem is that my only computer has dial-up net access, and so is not suited for running a server.
I will check out those websites mentioned.