I have heard claims that the brain can consume the metabolic byproducts of keytosis. Maybe that is why you wanted to eat lots of protien, to provide the brain-fuel?
Keytosis seems to be a starvation reaction. Unable to get a particular resource (carbs), the body inefficiently consumes other resources (fat) and dumps the waste products from the blood (acidic urine). It is hacking human biology to make it a less efficient machine, so you lose weight without having to eat significantly less.
This scares me shitless, personally. I've hacked my metabolism before, and in the years since learned what I was doing was a recipie for suicide in the long term. Now, Atkins might not be as bad, but this "safe" keytosis-trick is a new idea: there hasn't been time to determine what the long term side effects are, not with any decent sample size.
I mean, being insulin resistant sounds like a great deal as well. Your body stops turning blood sugar into fat, and instead filters it out through your kidneys into your urine. (sound familiar?) The long term result is blindness, extremidies rotting, and heart desease. Type 2 diabetes isn't such a good deal after you factor that in. . .
Now, maybe keytosis hacking isn't as bad as insulin resistance. Maybe your body can handle high Ph blood with less long term side effects, and maybe going into keytosis doesn't change your metabolic system forever. But, like I said, I'm scared by Atkins.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.