Hannukah Harry is a wise man..... Atkins sometimes gets a bad rap because people assume (without doing the research) that one just eats piles and piles of greasy bacon and fatty red meat. While some people do that, the wise move is to eat a combination of lean meats, fish, and poultry. I lost 50 pounds within three months when on Atkins and ate mostly lean chicken breast, salmon, the occasional steak or pork chop, and leafy green vegetables. I of course exercised as well. At my last physical my cholesterol was great, blood pressure perfect and I've kept the weight off for almost three years now. High protein low carb diets are nothing new, body builders have been eating that way for decades. Personally I think Atkins is safe and it definately worked for me.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.