So whatcha all think of last nights episode. My wife and I found it thoroughly entertaining. She started crying during the whole brother revealing himself to sister deal, holy emotional.
The letters from the father were certainly a nice touch. I wonder what Michaels mother thinks about all this - or for that fact - Jennifers mother. Would be interesting to hear their reactions.
No news on the whole twin thing, but I assume that is all being saved for the next show.
We were talking about this 'new spin' on power of Veto and we were thinking that maybe they HAVE to use it on one person this year. That would certainly mess things up.
Another thing I read on the net with the whole twin thing is that people are hoping that the identical twins will be switched in for voting days and alternate weeks. This would mean that the twin coming in would have no idea who to vote for - who they are allied with or what strategies are in play. Thats the only way that I think they could play the whole twin thing and keep it fair (they can't let them know of whats going on in the house, would be unfair to all others when competing for money).
Oh well, we shall see