Why not try healthier versions of what he is eating? Figure out what it is, why he eats it, and if he'd be willing to make slight variations. It takes minutes to make a microwave baked potato. It takes a little longer to cook up a pot of brown rice, but it lasts all week, and you can dress it up with frozen veggies and meat. Why not try to turn him on to seasonings other than salt? You can't change it all at once, and if you try to, then he could blow a gasket. Have you mentioned diet soda? Sure, it might taste a bit off at first. But it cuts tons of calories and sugar.
Its amazing what guys our age will get used to with a little bit of help. I say lead by example, share meals when you go out to introduce him to new things.
17 seconds is all you really need
- Smashing Pumpkins