no, don't be worried. as long as you know what's going on in the class and your programming is solid, you're fine.
i know countless CS majors that can program anything you throw at them. any problem they can debug, they know the methodology, they know the process cycles. variables, loops, you name it they know it.
but ask them how to upgrade their computer with more memory and it's like asking a blond sorority chick the capital of turkey.
the point is, it's not NECESSARY you know the intricacies of anything electronic, but it helps. by knowing how a computer functions, by knowing what memory and hdd and processor capabilities hold on programs, you can code better. it's also semi-implied by employers that you know this. and you'll have a sore competitive disadvantage when school lets out if you don't have it under your belt.
remember- these nerd circles are the people you're going to be competing against for a job. they'll have the same degree as you.