Worst part of Gyno
While I was writing my journal, I thought about all the crappy things that are a part of going to the gynocologist. I could go on for hours. Maybe not hours, but a long time, indeed.
What is your least favorite part? You can't say the whole thing, but list specifics.
I absolutely hate waiting for the doctor to come in while I lay dressed in a gown with my legs open spread eagle toward the door. I am sure that is not the first thing the doctor wants to see when he walks in the door.
I also hate it when they ask you to scooch your butt to the edge of the table until you can feel their hand through the paper. Why not just tell me to scooch my butt to the end of the table instead of giving me a guide- I am sure I can handle it!
The absolute worst though is getting gas. I can go hours, days, and weeks without having a gas problem, but once I get into that office and get myself ready, I have the worst urges. I can't be the only woman with this problem.