Originally posted by wrkime
I don't think that gives you carte blanche to speed though. If the speed limit is 55 and you're doing 80, aren't you still speeding??? I think a lot of you are trying to justify the fact that you drive faster than the speed limit...don't. I do it, you do it, a lot of people do it, but don't try to justify it by saying that you were going with the flow of traffic and that to do otherwise would be creating a hazard. I'm sure if you were driving 55 on the highway where the speed limit was 55 then you would not be ticketed for causing a hazard.
if your speed was causing a hazard then yes, according to my law enforcement friends when I was living in CA. It also explains why some states have MIN speed posted signage as well.
I did not say carte blanche, but that there is also another viewpoint that could be construed as correct in some situations.